I was surprised and saddened to hear about horror author Jack
Ketchum's passing last week (he died from cancer, he was 71).
Although he first published his controversial cannibal-horror novel
“Off Season” in 1980, over the past decade Jack Ketchum (which is
actually a pseudonym, his real name was Dallas Mayr, the name usually
found on the copyright notice inside the front pages of his
paperbacks) was coming more into the spotlight due to the recent
“extreme” horror film adaptations of his works, which at times
were met with almost as much controversy as their literary origins.
DVD distributor Anchor Bay became involved with the film versions of
The Girl Next Door and The Lost, and later Ketchum
would team up with young filmmaker Lucky McKee to co-write the wildly
controversial horror movie The Woman.
Usually I'm very good at remembering where I'd first heard about any
author, band, or film director that I'm regularly into (or whose work
I become obsessed with), but with Jack Ketchum, the events that lead
up to me seeking out, finding, and purchasing his first novel “Off
Season” have, over time, slipped my mind. I want to tell you that I
read about Ketchum's “Off Season” from Stephen King – but upon
checking back through King's horror-reference book Dance Macabre,
I was unable to verify that notion. But however I'd heard about
Ketchum's cannibal book, it was pre-internet, sometime in the early
nineties, and I managed to find an original first-printing paperback
for dirt cheap – but again, I can't remember from which used
bookstore. I could take an educated guess, but it would still be a
guess. What I do remember was my actual first reading of “Off
Season”, and how it grabbed me immediately, and I swallowed the
entire thing in one sitting. I was blown away, and “Off Season”
became one of my top-five books of all time for nearly two decades. I
do remember trying to find more Jack Ketchum books throughout the
nineties, and finding two (then-new) Jove paperbacks at a Coles
bookstore (when those existed) – “Joyride” and “Stranglehold”.
I would tell anyone within earshot how awesome Jack Ketchum was and
how “Off Season rocks.” (I remember actually saying that to a
stranger in a used bookstore one time). I remember vividly the day I
read “Stranglehold”, I was reading this book in the wait-times
between a marathon of films during a day at the Vancouver
International Film Festival; I'd taken that day off of work just to
see a half dozen films – and I still remember Ketchum's novel most
of all from that day. “Stranglehold” was the most brutal,
gut-wrenching, emotionally-wringing and terrifyingly real
novel I have ever read to date. Which is why, after experiencing
similar reactions to the film version of The Girl Next Door, it
took me a little time to build up the courage to crack open that
book. Leaving viewers inside the cinema emotionally and
psychologically wracked, a friend and I agreed that there would be no
need to revisit that film – and to this day, I haven't; and there
has been no need to, the horrifying thwart of the perception of
Americana through a Norman Rockwell lens and its twist into the utter
horrors of jealousy, manipulation, under-education, narcissism, and
torture is still lingering in my mind over a decade later.
this same time period, 2007 and earlier, the Dorchester publishing
company was releasing several of Jack Ketchum's titles (old and new)
through their Leisure Horror paperbacks line, which was actually an
amazing horror line. Not all of the freshly-printed Ketchum novels
were of the raw and emotional brutality-type that “Stranglehold”,
“The Girl Next Door”, and “Red” were, some were just
teeth-grittingly violent horror-thrillers, like “Offspring” (the
sequel to “Off Season”) and one of my favourites, “She Wakes”.
Leisure Horror also published an anthology book titled “Triage”,
featuring three stories from the late great Richard Laymon, Edward
Lee, and Jack Ketchum, whose novella "Sheep Meadow
Story” is not only the best story in “Triage”, it is one of the
true highlights in his creative career.
Now, sadly, Jack Ketchum,
one of my favourite authors for the past 33 years, has joined some of
the horror greats who have recently shoved off this mortal coil,
leaving us with an astounding legacy of their genre work – and for
Jack Ketchum in particular, it's a legacy of work that remains locked
(and sometimes tortured) in readers' minds and emotions long, long
after the last page of the novel has been turned, and the last frame
of the film has flickered out. Dallas William “Jack Ketchum” Mayr
was a true American original. Plus, he had the coolest-looking author's profile pic ever. RIP.