Groovy & Wild Films from Around the World

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Locations, Locations, Locations

View from the Burrard Street bridge, West side.

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Lorna (Lina Romay) and friend...
Pamela Stanford.
Vancouver is very nice in the spring and summertime. Near where I live there are several beaches, a long sea-wall, and countless '70's apartment buildings. Very inspiring, actually, and walking around this part of the city, almost without fail, makes me think of Franco's films. If you want to see some seriously exploited and unexplainably awesome 70's locations, you need to check out a couple of these fairly recent releases from the amazing Mondo Macabro:

1. Lorna the Exorcist

Great kitschy interiors and exteriors from 1970's Europe... And of course, great looking actresses, too! Lina Romay plays a somewhat insane woman who may or may not be the target of some Satanic goings-ons... Takes place in France.

2. Countess Perverse
(or: The Perverse Countess)

 Again, lovely actresses (including Lina Romay again), and you die a little at huntress Alice Arno running naked through the Spanish beaches with a bow & arrow. Not exactly for the Hunger Games crowd, this little piece of gorgeous exploitation was shot on and around some very impressive water-surrounded locations in Spain.

A huge thanks and acknowledgments go to The Bloodshot Eye and The House of Self-Indulgence, where most of these awesome pictures were found. Check out their articles on these Franco film... and more!

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